The candidate statement from Corum McConaught


In recent months, the Order of Knights suffered a lack of purpose and direction. The current void in leadership must be corrected. We have many fine knights, experienced and new alike. But without a proper set of Goals and Values to aim for and support, they risk corruption and misuse.

My Mission Statement:
“To Protect and Serve the citizens of Ireem shall be the Knights highest Honor; The safety of the City, our greatest badge.”

The City faces many dangers from the malice of the Undead to the mischief of the Djinn, criminals both minor and major. Family feuds and personal vendettas spill over into the streets of the city. Under my leadership, the Knights will face these challenges and triumphant to the benefit of all citizens. Businesses will profit and the Kingdom shall thrive.
I propose better recruitment and training of Knights. Each new Knight will be given a Mentor from the ranks of the more senior Knights. Proper legal procedural training will be a must for all.
Special squads will be formed to pursue and capture “Hardcore” criminals who persist on being a nuisance to all.

We will work with the Lawyers to guarantee citizen’s rights are respected. But for the Hardcore Criminal, public punishment and, when necessary, executions will be administered so that the citizens can see we’re doing our best to serve them and keep the city safe.
I will organize an auxiliary of archers to aid against invasions. Irregulars and informants will provide us with intelligence to safeguard the citizens against those races and clans that would attack from both within and without.

I know I have never served as a Knight, but I have aided them in the past and put my life on the line against such threats as Aizen Wind, Jordina McGinnis, Davey Spanton, Ehson and Olaf. I’ve rubbed elbows with the downtrodden as well as bluebloods of the Palace. I am willing to work with all, listen to any idea that will make the Kingdom of Sands a better place.

I thank you for your consideration

- Corum McConaught


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