Brittainy sits back upon the cushions and looks at the scroll within her hands. Leaning forward she picks up a quill as she listen's to the music of the lute strumming in a corner from one of the Cafe's many talented musicians. She pauses just a moment to lift her head and admire the graceful sway of one of the beautiful dancers as she glides by, her arms and hips flowing in time to the Bard's tempo.
Bending once more over the scroll she dips the quill into the ink sitting upon the table before and begins to write, recalling the words of praise: "Praise be to Hora Ma - The beneficent queen - The creator of the universe - Goddess of the three worlds - Who set up the firmament without pillars in its stead - And who stretched out the earth even as a bed - and grace, and prayer-Blessing be upon our goddess - Goddess of Undead and darkened men - And upon her family and companion train -Prayer and blessings enduring and grace which unto the day of doom shall remain - Amen! - O thou of the three worlds sovereign!"
The Lady of the Arabesque Cafe is pleased to invite one and all to come and relax and be enteretained as she brings to life the tales of the Arabian Nights! We have heard of Ali Baba and his famous Fourty thieves. Many know of the Djinn in the Lamp.
Now let us bring you the tales begining this Friday, August 20th at 8pm. Music and dance is always a treat and now we bring you the stories that started it all. 1001 Arabian Nights begining this Friday night.
She stands and brushes her hand over the scroll sealing her words upon the parchment. She watches as the words glow bright red before settling back to their inky black. Rolling the scroll up and tieing it with a silken ribbon she hands it to one of her dancers. "Deliver this to Dinky or Tim at the Chronicle and make Haste!"
Brittainy Collins, Arabesque Cafe
Note: the quote in this was rewritten per creative license of the writer. The actual quote can be found in the first story of the Arabian Nights.
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Shannon said...
any who wishes to dance please feel free to bring your dancing slippers!!
August 19, 2010 at 9:55 AM
Niobe Flux said...
Dancing and tales. Oh, please count Clotho in for attendance.
August 20, 2010 at 3:57 AM