During their talk, Una suddenly started to feel really sick, gulping turned into burping, until she coughed out blood. Holding herself on Xan as she stumbled around, paler then ever before. She mumbled „I think I might faint! I need to sit down.. where is the closest seat?“ as she suddenly pushed Hakim, the silent guard to the side and sat down in the throne !
Sir Smooth got really angry, as he saw this but didnt dare to pull her out, as Una continued to cough, blood spilling everywhere, draping her body across the chair groaning. Even Xan was seen to turn pale and fanning her nose to rid the smell, as Una vomitted all over the throne and the cushions arround it. Una cursed and stated weakly „"Don't eat the bedu…they told me not to.. but I couldn't resist….oooh!“ as Xan got angry and yelled at her „ You ate Bedu ?!?!? We warned you about that !“
The scenery just got complete as Palace inhabitant Miss Starlight Eleonora and Bedu girl Alina Furuseth entered the rooms, shocked about all the blood and vomit splattered across the throne, cushions and floor. Miss Star got order to help the sick girl and rushed over as Una moaned „Xan!! Get me out of here…the stench of the humans.. there's a bedu near me.. I can smell it!“, but Xan ignored it, as she was caught in a dispute with Alina already. Rumors tell they blamed each other for Una’s sickness, but in the end we will never know.
Only ten minutes later, Una suddenly jumped out of the throne all happily again, cracking her neck and smiling as she vomitted a last time „ Aaaahh that's the end of it I think!" and the undeads left the Palace without looking back. The slaves that got ordered to clean did not come out until this morning and witnesses tell, they all did not look very happy !
The question left here is : Are bedouins really that unsavory that you get sick after eating them ? Or did Una eat a special one ? Someone that perhaps was poisoned ?

As reporter I am curious and could not help it, I woke up knight Avery and asked her what this is about. Avery nodded sadly at me and began to explain.
Avery‘s question, if Flea did consent, the djinn answered with a short „She did not struggle !“ and my secret sources tell that witnesses in the knights Inn can confirm this. After this so called act of love she went to punish herself by willingly being locked up in the dungeon, and according to Avery she mentioned „Perhaps I just like it here. Its quiet. I'm not expected to do anything. I must pay for what I've done, such is the law of the redde the triple law that binds all majic."

Answer: Dominance and rough treatment!Tie me down beat me and I'm horny as hell
Question: What turns you off?
Answer: Players and wimps, nothing worse than having someone trying to act macho when there not! Be yourself
Answer: That would be telling a ladies got to have some secrets
Question: Who in Ireem would you least like to have sex with?
Answer: Myself! Its no fun playing with yourself *giggles*
Question: Tell us something embarrassing about yourself.
Answer: I don't get embarrassed, I am usually having too much fun to get embarrassed about anything
Tim Speiser vs. Jordina McGinnis
Leena Xue vs. WongFei Quan
Ruxia Zuta vs. Tusk Bilasimo
Una Flux vs. Gatha Loon
Champagne Roxan vs. WongFei Quan
Urso Kronsage vs. Ehson Miles
The fights of the first round were thrilling to watch, fighters showed off their skills and one by one either made it into the next round or dropped out.
Sir Ehson, who had to fight the brave knight Urso disappeared – we still investigate the reasons for that - and as Miss Kora asked for someone to jump in , suddenly the sweet, shy and innocent slave girl Caren Zuta got pushed into the middle of the arena by her Mistress Polgara Auer. Miss Polgara handed her a sword and Caren officially took Sir Ehson’s place ! You for sure can imagine the agitation rising up among the audience !
The opponents entering the second round of the tournament were announced:
Bi-Player: Ruxia Zuta
WongFei Quan vs. Tim Speiser
Gatha Loon vs. Ruxia Zuta
Caren Zuta vs. Ruxia Zuta
Sir Wongs wife Dharma Lupindo promised her man a nice surprise at home when he wins. Sadly this promise had the exact opposite effect on him: whatever he was thinking of, distracted him so much that he lost against Sir Tim.
Tim was defeated by Caren, so they both got ready for the official final fight and the audience stopped picking at each other and got silent, as everyone’s full attention focused on the two fighters now. The big question was: Will Sir Tim be able to defend his champion title or will the little innocent and shy slave girl kick his ass ?
Well, what can I say….she won ! We from the Chronicles are of course totally unbiased so:
So congrats again to the winner of the Ireem Championship, Miss Caren Zuta !! If you want to admire her, you will find her picture at the board near the auction, or her in person roaming the desert !
Indigo’s pet One Flea (Stelthah Snowpaw) got arrested by the honorable knight Lonesome Charisma. My source told me the reason for the arrest was the beasts‘s attack on a citizen girl named Helena, but this is not confirmed, so to be considered as rumor for now.
The brave knight Urso Kronsage had orders to transport the creature safely to the dungeon for further interrogation after Lone’s return. He got assistance by knight Lyra Gundersen, the well known slaver WongFei Quan and Magi Odellin Frostbite who put a spell on One Flea to calm it down and secure the actual transport. The beast did not feel what happened around and just followed the orders to move until it was finally locked up securely in a cell.
While it slept inside the cell, the knight and his fellows discussed the problem, tried to find out what had happened and different ways of punishment as succubus Anneliese Wolfenhaut came in, trying to seduce knight Urso - as usual. He of course did not give in - as usual too //*editorial note: poor Anne, she tries so hard, but this Urso is so stubborn !! Unbelievable he can resist her charms every time !*//, so Anne started to think about the reason for the attack too „ Hmm, maybe she wore the wrong color ! It might be safer to ask the ladies to wear nothing at all. For their own protection!“, followed by a promt nodding from and a smirk from Wong.
Urso stopped the nonsense talk and decided to keep the awakening beast locked up until the return of Lone, as the owner Indigo (Wolfenstien Khandr) herself showed up, gasping as she saw her pet in the cell. Convincing her old friend Urso to let her look after the beast, Urso opened the cell and Indigo slipped inside, sitting down next to Flea.
Still not able to bring some light into the whole incident Indigo tried her best to get her pet out, but Urso stayed solid and ordered her to leave the cell "I did you a favor by letting you in that cell with your pet, only because I trusted you. I'll ask you again to not break that trust by listening to me. I told you what I know. And I'll ask you once more politely to listen to me and repect what I have to say in my home, just as I would respect you in your home! I was told by Lone to bring her here and I will wait for Lone to say what to do next!“
Indigo nodded and stood up slowly as suddenly on her way out of the cell - right as she passed him - Urso started to scream out loudly, holding his head in pain and finally colapsing on the floor ! Indigo quickly ordered One Flea to run as she blowed a kiss to Urso, escaping by herself.
It was Lonesome who found Urso still unconcious on the floor an hour later. My source told me she tried hard to get through to him, but he still seemed to be out of his mind, yelling and hissing at Lone "How could you do this to me....?!?!“. Meya Silverfall arrived, send by Indigo to look after Urso as she explained to Lone, that Indigo attacked his mind to rescue her pet. He will stay insane until he gets help on mermaids island.
This was all information my source could give me. Since then I try to find Sir Urso to interview him and of course to find out if he feels better. Some questions still are unsolved:
- Did Indigo really betray her friend ? And why ?
- What exactly did the beast do to deserve arrestment in the dungeon ?
- And will Urso forgive Indigo her betrayal ?
- Is every method allowed to get what you want or where is the limit ?
The Slaves Head Inn is now hireing!
Shevaunn Clarity ~ Djinn, Leader of the KoS Sisterhood and the Naked Bandits.
Chronicles: What turns you on?
Sheva: Hanging onto my hair, nice and tight and being chained, yeah, thats it.
Chronicles: What turns you off?
Sheva: People that attack me without saying anything. Least they could let me know what I've done so I can admit to it, cause it probably was me anyhow.
Chronicles: If you could have sex with anyone in Ireem who would it be?
Sheva: It would be the Sulatana for sure, yup, thats who it would be. I'm not bi or gay or anything but just to be able to say I had sex with the Sultana would be pretty cool.
Chronicles: Who in Ireem would you least like to have sex with?
Sheva: Thats an easy one, it would be the camel that EVERYONE rides down on. Some linger behind it a little too long if you know what I mean. I think that camel gets more than anyone else in all of Ireem.
Chronicles: Tell us something embarrasing about yourself.
Sheva: I"m really quite shy and insecure but I over compensate to get over it. Hopefully it works.
Today we recieved an anonymous letter which is very interesting to read, enclosed a drawing of one of the....lovely....innocent babies that the author is talking about:
"Dear Ireemians !

- Question: What turns you on?
- Answer: When he touches me right there. Can I have some privacy!!!
- Question: What turns you off?
- Answer: Liars, Cheaters, Thiefs...she wonders if that is everyone around her. She takes out her sword.
- Question: If you could have sex with anyone in Ireem who would it be?
- Answer: Fans herself at the thought of him...I have had sex with him already.
- Question: Who in Ireem would you least like to have sex with?
- Answer: Ummm..none of the women...I prefer a man.
- Question: Tell us something embarrasing about yourself.
- Answer: I was very drunk and ended up with all these tattoos. Growls at the ones who did this to her.