Yes Ladies ! Here he is ! Sir Rathgar like we never saw him before ! For all shy ones, here a warning: just read the interview and skip on the picture ! All the others: enjoy !
Chronicles: What turns you on?
Rathgar: Smart women with artistic cabilities and nice ass
Chronicles: What turns you off?
Rathgar: Attention whores
Chronicles: If you could have sex with anyone in Ireem who would it be?
Rathgar: With my wife
Chronicles: Tell us something embarrasing about yourself.
Rathgar: When I was caught with my pants down in the catacombs (I am a knight)
Chronicles: What turns you on?
Rathgar: Smart women with artistic cabilities and nice ass
Chronicles: What turns you off?
Rathgar: Attention whores
Chronicles: If you could have sex with anyone in Ireem who would it be?
Rathgar: With my wife
Chronicles: Tell us something embarrasing about yourself.
Rathgar: When I was caught with my pants down in the catacombs (I am a knight)

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