Last week while taking a walk through the desert, I reached the slavers ship, wondering about a lot of commotion going on at the beach and the ship itself. I secretly took one of the small boats, paddling over to have a look by myself.
As soon as I entered the ship I noticed some slavers, including Sir Raiden Yarrowroot on one side of the ship, on the other side a few undeads, all yelling at each other and swinging their swords furiously. In the moment I noticed the little djinn girl Kiku (Bayushi Kikuchiyo) in the background, with our beloved Sultana (!!) sitting on a wooden barrel, her hands tied up with ropes, an extremely bright and beaming light appeared between the two parties.
My eyes were blinded for a while, I turned my head und covered my eyes, as it burned like fire, as I yelled over "What is going on here ?"

Shocked, that our highness is here, tied up on the slavers ship I got angry and wanted some answers. I yelled again at Raiden, this time louder what this is all about, but my question never reached his ear under all the uproar. The bright light stopped slowly and when my eyes started not to be blind anymore, I saw the djinn Shevaun Clarity standing in the middle of the ship, her arms stretched out as the light disappeared in her hands. She broke down a second later, all exhausted and mumbled to Sir Raiden " I cannot hold it forever,Sir !"

This was my chance to run over on the other side before the slavers could catch me or even cut my head off with her sword. I ran over to the Sultana and asked her if she is okay ,but she only shook her head sadly and mumbled : " I dont know, what is going on here...yes I am fine...I think".
Kiku secretly informed me about the basics, telling me the Sultana got kidnapped by the slavers for her protection only. The undeads were after her and as there were no knights around to help, Sir Raiden and his crew jumped in to help.
Still doubting this story as it looked completely different to me, I decided to stay calm and just witness what will happen for now. Not to mention my poor fighting skills of course! As much as I would love to tell you, dear reader, that I heroicly rescued our highness by cutting of all their heads....well we all know the truth, this will never ever happen !
Anyway, back to the story: the slavers and the undead were arguing, Raiden refused to hand out the Sultana and ordered Shev to keep the undead brute away with her djinn powers. Everytime an undead tried to step on the other side, Shev send out flashes of lighting, so they quickly gave up any attempt.
Many people were on the ship now, not only the slavers and undeads, as Raiden got angry and ordered his fellow slavers to chase anyone away, who is not part of the actual argue, if neccessary they should be captured and put into the cages downstairs. Of course this was no option for me, so I stole off as quickly as possible.
Many people were on the ship now, not only the slavers and undeads, as Raiden got angry and ordered his fellow slavers to chase anyone away, who is not part of the actual argue, if neccessary they should be captured and put into the cages downstairs. Of course this was no option for me, so I stole off as quickly as possible.
Standing with many other helpless citizen of Ireem at the beach, we were thinking hard what to do, until the knights showed up, ready to solve the problem. A few undeads, obviously scared as they saw the knights approaching, rushed from the ship and through the waiting people, as I suddenly felt a hit on my head, knocking me unconcious. I still don't know what really happened, I just can assume it was an accident, at least I hope so !
Some time later I woke up, laying on the beach and rubbing my hurting head, as I looked over to the now empty ship. I ran back into the city, trying to find out if the Sultana could be rescued but didn't get any reasonable answer. After two hours running around and not getting any information, I finally gave up and went home.
I met Sir Raiden a day later while preparing some body oil for sale in the bath house, as he came in to ask for a massage. I did not let him enter the room as I asked him to answer me some question for the paper. He just smiled at me and nods, staying absolutely cool and silent " But of course, dear Dinky, whatever you want to know I will answer you !"
He started explaining me the background of what had happened: The well known undead Xan Baran asked her undead family to bring her the Sultana's blood to feet her baby with it. The royal blood is of high quality and she wanted the best she can get in our kingdom!
The undeads went out with the task to kill the highness, to bring Xan the royal blood and perhaps even to take over the Palace, as Sir Raiden got a secret hint of their plans.
He went to the Palace to warn the guards, the knights and the Sultana herself, as Undead Lord Damien Sack jumped out of the shadows and attacked her. Sir Raiden succeeded in chasing the undead away as the Sultana, who was really gratefull, offered him money and jewels as reward. He refused.
Now here comes the part, I still have my doubts on: Sir Raiden told the Sultana the Palace would not be safe for her anymore, as she decided to surrender to him for protection. He brought her to the ship where his slavers could watch over her.
United, the slavers fended all attackers off, protecting our highness until the knight Lonesome Charisma send him one of her people to prove too him, that they were capable to protect her. So he released her and the knights took her back into the Palace. The highness was not seen since then nor heard, rumors tell she is unbruised but still under shock. But there are, as always many questions left:
- If Sir Raiden ONLY wanted to protect the Sultana, why was she tied up then ?
- Did she really surrender on her own will ?
- What were his true intentions ?
- Will the undead give up their plans ?
- Does Xan still want the blood for her baby ?
- What effect does the royal blood have on the baby, will it get unnatural powers ?
- What happens to our beloved kingdom if the Sultana would die ?
Rumors are still spreading ,the undeads did not give up their plans. So people of Ireem be warned: the actuall silence could just be the one before the big storm ! Let us pray to Zin Rah, the immortals will never reach their goal !
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