Dear reader, today I recieved an interesting letter, which made me think a lot. The thoughts of the well known slaver Wong are - from his point of view - indeed logical and comprehensible. But see for yourself:
"It was a quiet day in the slavers camp, too quiet, when Cowboy decided to go and try to steal jewels from the sultana, as he seems to be obsessed with them. Having nothing better to do, I decided to go with him, to protect him from harming himself by doing something stupid. After breaching the first perimiter of the Palace without being noticed, Cowboy rappeled down from the upper levels into private rooms of the Palace, while I used the fountain outside the balcony to jump higher and reach the same place.
We then found ourselves face to face with the Sultana - who was painting ! I am a slaver, and I am no saint, but I break my back to aquire the money to survive, many times having to fight for it, like everyone else in Ireem, fighitng for survival.
As Cowboy asked the Sultana for her money, I looked around at the opulence and wealth of the Palace, and how quietly and isolated the Sultana lived. Enjoying all sorts of luxury in her golden Palace, protected by several walls and guards, while her people kill eachother outisde the gates, fighting for a piece of bread.
She was just painting, the canvas, the paint, brush, her clothes and even the Palace itself, built with the blood and sweat of Ireem´s tax payers, but only one uses all the benefits... our beloved Sultana.
I was enraged by this injustice, but I never drew my weapon, instead I asked the Sultana to let go of some of her fortune, to feed the less fortunate (and this is unbelivable true), her answer was quick, several guards entered the room, and without further delay she said "Remove this men from here!". That was the only answer she could give to her injustice and greed!
Immediately after she commanded her puppet knights, they were all over Cow and me, I ran forward towards the Sultana and tried to grab her coin purse, but I failed in the attempt and ran away.
Later, while I was in the desert, five fighters, a mix of Knights, Bedouins and Citizen chased me, hunted me down like an animal for trying to do justice and captured me.
After spending some time in the Knights jail, Smooth Citron, the guards captain said he had orders from the Sultana to hang me from one of the crosses outside the gates, and to whip me.
I shouted at the people of Ireem, telling them to open their eyes, and to stop this injustice led by the Sultana, not my punishment, but the punishment the whole city suffers, at the hands of such a distant and cold ruler.
In the end I was hanged and whipped, untill I lost conciousness. Because of the many people frowning on this, the punishment was short, and that is the only reason why I live to tell the tale this time!
But what will happen when someone else uses the power or reason and justice to question the Sultana? Death is the price to pay for those who seek the truth, according to our Sultana.
Wong Fei Hong"
Enclosed to this letter, i found a drawing from an unknown painter, which shows Wong hanging at the cross:

Of course, the purpose on why the two slavers entered the Palace should recieve our harshest condemnation ! But, on the other hand he is putting out some interesting questions here. Dear reader, what is your opinion on this ? Do not hesitate to comment and state your point of view ! The Chronicles will be happy to print your reactions !
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Dinky said...
test comment
February 7, 2010 at 2:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Dear Editor
normally do not answer letters in which they are insulted me, because I think that answering I give visibility to those who, being nothing...think to become someone attacking me.
But I can not keep silent, reading what this old amoral chinese says about me.
"Having nothing to do (poor man ,,he must be so tired...)
go in the Palace with Cow( which we all know as amoral man and thief," and ..Read in which way they entered.. !!!!
And what they wanted ? ohh , just steal some rings and diamonds to me...
Well, this man ,long time ago , volunteered for some service to my beloved Second Minister...he took the money .. .. and the service? I'm still waiting ..
And when I was” kidnapped”by Raiden ..( but that's another story...) I spent the night on the boat with him and other slavers. pretending to be asleep but I was wide awake .. and while the others sang and rejoiced in the breeze that blows from the sea .. this old Chinese drank all the rum in the hold.
And this would be the man who dare to criticize me.??
That's the scourge of my costume?
Yes..I live in the luxury, but I am the Sultana. My parents were's a blame ?
Do I paint and play harp? He should be proud if his sultana is a talented artist..perhaps he would prefer me maltreating young slaves or profiting of their masculinity.?
Well .. I have taken note..Never be generous with persons like him.
His punishment was too slight .
Have a fantastic day.
Your beloved Sultana
Zanlu Heron
February 8, 2010 at 8:25 AM