The matter is now public and I feel the need to set some facts straight and also to warn you all.
First I want it to be known that I never gave this substance to the unnamed slave or his Mistress. The secret records of the Magi tower showed that a few hours after all this happned a thief entered the tower and stole my entire stash of the blue powder. After reading your article I have reasons to believe that this thief was the slave I used or his Mistress. This slave will suffer, but more importantly I have no powder left for further finetuning of the mixture and I have to disappoint my sponsor temporarely. I assure you that I had a very unpleasant conversation with the elder knight. /*editorial note: that reminds me: I still want to know who this knight is !! */
The powder in hands of the undead is of course a bad idea. Pranksters should not be in possession of powerful potions. This saddens me as I am a serious healer and want to be a reliable supplier of magical goods and services.
A last word of warning. I had to travel to the bazaar because I need to recreate the blue magical substance. I had to buy a few ingredients that are difficult to find in Ireem. One of them is gum arabica. I was warned by my supplier, the merchant Pfie Zerr, that the last batch of the gum was contaminated. And this contaminated gum was used in the stolen batch of the blue Viagrus. I asked the merchant what would happen with people eating the dangerous gum. He answered that some have been losing their memory suffering excrutiating pains and that others have turned into snakes for three days. /* editorial note: eeek ! I have to burn the cake I made for my Master before he eats some of it ! He would kill me !! */You should have waited until all testing was done on cheap slaves ! Miss Zoya Zhukovsky"
Greetings, Dear Ireem!
Join us for games before the party on Saturday 26 September.
~Carpet Races~
Guys - get your girl on the carpet! Unfortunately, this is one of those contests in which the men must compete, and the women sit there looking pretty. But alas, this is the way of the world, and fortunately, there is no lack of beautiful women in Ireem. Each male contestant will bring as many females to the palace from auction as they can in ten minutes... one female at a time on the carpet.
~MMM... Mudwrestling~
Two opponents in each fight, with three rounds. Two out of three wins. The game will continue until one man (or really brawny woman) is left standing.
~Camel Race~
We would love to have the camel race, but it does depend on the lag on Saturday. Prize: $50 dinar (in the currency for the new SIM) for each final winner of each game.
Folie Luckstone, Palace Scribe
After giving him back his clothes she let him go and disappeared in the basement to finish her work on the new potion. She smiled happily and nodded " great ! it is fullfilled ! I will simply call it Viagrus !"
Some hours later I talked to the well known undead Anneliese Wolfenhaut and she secretly showed me what she got from Miss Zoya. She told me laughing, that Palace guard Polo will have some fun soon. She gave me the information, the blue powder now was in his food and she saw him walking into his rooms with it by herself. Knowing how hungry Sir Polo always is, she assured me his wife Rana will soon scream in joy aswell. Not giving me any hint, who did this to him, she just shrugged and left me standing there alone, wondering.
Zanlu Heron, Sultana of Ireem "
Join us in saying goodbye to the lovely old Ireem and to thank her and celebrate all she has meant to us. We have lived, loved, fought, and died, then reincarnated to do it all again, more times than most of us could begin to count. All on her beloved sands. And city streets. And ships. And musty old catacombs. Let's celebrate the joys and heartaches of the old Ireem, and say goodbye (with no regrets) to the vicious sandstorms that have tormented us all! September 26th, please join us in the Kingdom of Sand for a party!
"A party" is not a very good name for an event that represents so much to us all. We need your help with a better name. "Bye Bye Ireem"? "Last Chance Dance"? Yeah. Those suck, too. Please submit names for the party - the winner - if female - will get a wonderful prize - a beautiful necklace, heirloom of the Sultana's family! She will present it to you herself. If the winner is male, he gets something even better - a dance with our beloved Zanlu! (Send submissions to Mirna Muggins, the Sultana's personal secretary.)
Of course, we will all be meeting again in the New Ireem, which has been built with its back to the desert in such a way that we should suffer less from the terrible sandstorms which must, occasionally, afflict every desert city.
Strange things are going on in our beloved kingdom ! After "cleaning up" the bounty boards by the law, because most of the citizen on there were already dead, travelled along or just dissapeared forever, Ireem had only a few quiet and peaceful days. This morning, when I went out on my daily rounds to search for new stories and gossip, I finally reached the above mentioned bounty boards. First just giving them a slightly bored look, my heart suddenly stopped beating, so did my breath ! Not only that every board is now signed out again ! No ! Every board is filled with amounts on the persons, that are ridiculous high ! But see for yourself:
Zanlu Heron: 100.000 K$
Damien Sack: 50.000 K$
lolita McAuley: 30.000 K$
Dinky Wingtips: 30.000 K$
Anneliese Wolfenhaut: 10.000 K$
Merlion Sabra: 2.000 K$
cowboy Boronski: 100 K$
cowboy Boronski: 100 K$
The questions here are now:
- Who put so much money on these people and why ?
- Who else then the Sultana has so much money ?
- Is it a single person, are there different people or is it a group of people planing something big and evil ?
- But if so, why this combination ?
- What do these people have in common ?
- Is someone trying to take over Ireem ?
- Bathing by means of magically purified water
- Healing of any wounds or injuries
- Protection in our luxurious basement
- No harm will befall you by Myself or my assistant.
- You will not be thought of differently due to your faction
- You will be treated with the utmost respect
- You will leave with a prize!
After being captured by the djinn Naiyah, Naiyah looked into my soul and saw the trauma within. I recounted the story my father has told me as a child. My mother was a djinn, living in the Dijnn Realm. This would probably explain, why I spent so much time sneaking into their realm and eating their food. I had to learn, I am half human, half djinn. Indeed without my half Dijnn blood I could not have entered their Realm at all. Naiyah helped me to renew my feelings of honour and protection, rather than my slaver instinct of attack and capture. While still weak from my ordeal, Naiyah carried me to the knights camp, hoping that their leader will agree to take me in. Ohterwise I would have been doomed to roam the desert alone, with no home and no company other than my pet Raven, as I was no longer able to be among the slaver.
today I had a vision in a Dream. I was walking through darkness like always and then suddenly an annoying light came. It hunted me. I was confused and it made me aggresive. I fought against it but I never got it, so it made me more angry and I started to feel hatred. I woke up and still had this feeling. Hatred... against everyone and everything. This world is not good for a Demon like me. Every mortal makes dramatic scenes in his life, the excisting immortals are weak, fight against their nature and only excist as better humans. I thought about it very long and find a way as I told with Britt, the Djinn, why everything is bad for me. The world is a place of light and I am dark. Hatred is my shield. Intelligence is my sword. Darkness is my nature and light isn't my resort. I was hungering for so long. Didnt eat flesh and my demonic nature increases my murderous frenzy. I am a murderer, I like blood and hatred.So I made a decision: Since my pact with the City, I am not allowed to attack Citizens. Demons are like Djinns. Demons are living creatures, they don't rot and feel pain. The Djinns will make me to one of them and I will fight against the weaknesses of my old family and the mortals.
Darkness will come over you.
Anyone of Ireem can ask to attend these... not just leaders. The Sultana wants to hear from all of her subjects.
The Sultana will hear your praise and any concerns for her kingdom THIS Saturday at 1pm SLT. This is rare chance to speak to the Beloved Sun of Ireem. You may praise her Majesty or ask for a boon, such as gold or land, or for relief of any back taxes and penalties. You may ask any questions of her that you wish, or discuss with her any reasonable subject, within the bounds of courtesy and respect. Only a limited number of audiences will be granted so make your appointment now.
IM Second Minister Kadar Jayaram or the Sultana's Secretary Lady Mirna Muggins to make an appointment.
*Sits down in the café, inhaling the fragrant spices of the chai tea before her. Picking up her quill she pauses a moment in thought before dipping it in the ink and begins to write.*
Salaam good readers,
We have much to tell. So many things happening one never knows quite where to start. The beginning of the week, the middle, just a moment ago. It can be very confusing at times. We have Weddings, Lust Crazed Men, News from the Slavers, Proposals. It seems we, the Denizens of Ireem have been very busy.
Why just today I happened to be strolling through the Auction Square when I happened to discover it quite full. Brimming if truth be told. Everone stood in breathless anticipation as the Undead Tyr Threebeards took hold of the lovely Undead Jordina McGinnis’s hand, asking her to be his undead immortal bride. She of course said yes much to the applause of all.
But wait! There’s more! *stops to dip quill into the ink bowl.* The forthcoming weddings does not stop with the Romeo and Juliet of the Undead. It came to this Muse’s ears that the Grand Magi Tim has proposed to his beloved Dinky, owner of the Ireem Chronicles and newly appointed leader of the Citizens of Ireem. This will of course truly be a spectacular wedding to behold. I shall try my best to get a peek at the wedding list and snaggle myself an invite to the magical wedding of the year.
Weddings weddings weddings. Still another one! My my Ireem. Romance was in the air this week. I happened to be within earshot when a juicy tidbit fell right into my lap! Darkness Enyo of the Undead (fondly known as Darkii) has accepted the proposal of marriage from Cath the Slaver. If one was near enough to the catacombs you could hear the negotiations. Oddly enough they were arguing over the amount of times one could be intimate and not where the happy couple will reside.
Congratulations to all upcoming Brides and Grooms: Jordi & Tyr, Dinky & Tim, Darkness & Cath
*sits back to take a long sip of chai while thinking*
I received a bit of news this week. It seems the Slavers’ Captain Raiden has decided to retire. There comes a time in every Captain’s life when they must hand the torch to someone else, sit back enjoy the sound of the rolling waves, and a wench on his lap. Though no election at this time is pending, he has passed on the mantle of leadership to his right hand and General KITTY. Known through out Ireem for her tireless pursuits, wisdom, and generosity we feel sure the Slavers are left in good hands.
Captain Raiden *lifts quill in the manner of a fencing foil* we salute you and thank you for your services.
Now our final bit of news occurred last weekend… this was of lust crazed men scouring the sands in desperate need of women. They viewed all women as prey, even their own SISTERS! I was shocked I tell you. This Muse of course would never take part in such spectacle and hid herself away in a small dark space. I was able to observe as the men went bounding over the dunes chasing the women of Ireem. What makes this the more shocking is that the women were laughing at the men. They were seen whispering in corners and behind hands. Their eyes glinting with mischief and devious plotting, only a woman would understand. It had me pause and think. How could this be? How the men could be drawn up off silken pillows and sent to the sands. What could possibly induce such a thing? Then it came to me. The Sisterhood! Yes my lovely Ireem, it seems the mysterious Sisterhood has struck again. Who is behind this network, one can only fathom. This muse sits in anticipation for the next plot of the Ireem Sisterhood. Who knows… mayhap I shall even get a bit of info concerning it before it happens?
*stretches arms*
Well I think it is time for me to end our chat here. Remember keep those ears open, quills ready, and eyes wide.
The Muse