Undead Account

The Palace is most concerned at the near loss of the loyal scribe, the Lady Elysa, yesterday at the hands of the undead leader, Damien Sack.
After capturing her, Damien converted Lady Elysa to the ranks of the undead. "He said I was his 100th kill, and he wanted to celebrate it by doing something special" the Lady Elysa reported, visibly shuddering.
A massive rescue attempt was launched by the knights, and members of several other groups. In a brave but misguided attempt at sacrifice, Lady Elysa flung herself from the cliffs when she discovered her undead status. Instead, she was caught by a nameless bedu who then fought fearlessly along with several others to rescue her from Damien's clutches, but to no avail.
Much later, when all thought Lady Elysa was lost to us, she was seen wandering about and was captured quickly by the knight Prince Pawlaew, who took her to the knights camp.
Magi KCEE, in a ritual we are told by a confidential source that was "incredibly powerful, an amazing sight" successfully cast out the undead poison and converted Lady Elysa back to her human status.

We have word that, at this writing, Lady Elysa is doing well, resting and recovering from her ordeal, and avoiding all contact with the undead.


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