Yesterday while arguing about existing or none existing wigs with a certain Bedouin Leader, Jordi came along with a big grin in her face, whispering to me: "Dinky, I need you and the Chronicle!"
Handing me out a scroll she winked and moved away, so of course I ignored everything else around me (especially some certain Bedu Leader) and started to read it. A bit disappointed because I was hoping for some nasty stuff, I found following text on the scroll:
By order of Lady Jordina McGinnis, Knight Leader and her Majesty Sultana Zanlu Heron, light of our world.

Let the following be announced to all knights and people of Ireem.
1. The knights councils shall comprise of 10 honourable knights

2. The knight leader sits as the head of the knight council
3. The knight leader will hand select 3 knights to serve as honorary knights of councils
4. By election, 6 more knights will be nominated from the knights of Ireem to serve on the council

Once selected, Knight Councils will serve as the policy maker and leader of all knights of Ireem. All that wish to have their voice heard shall submit their issues to their respective knight council member. Once a week, councils will gather and review the knight code and hear any issues regarding knight's discipline.

Announced here on March 7, 300 B.C. the year of the light of our world
Dear reader, you certainly do understand my frustration about not finding anything compromising ! At least you find words like "serve" and "submit" in the note, which is funny, cause everyone wants his personal knight to submit....don't we all ? /*editorial note: and the weekly meeting definitely sounds a bit nasty, wondering if a slaver could participate there too ? */


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