Baby found in Ireem

Baby found in Ireem photo Chrystinia with baby 170315_zpsbtmemotr.png

By Znork

" I wonder who is the parents" says the beautiful, goodhearted pirate lady, holding and nuzzling the baby.

When asked where she found it she answers:
"Well I was given the baby from a poor slave girl named Yumaana. She didn't say much, just that she found it near the river. But it was natural for me to just take care of it as it was given to me. Im a bonusmum now"

She also said she has been given it a name, Aiden the poop.  "I was thinking about naming it "lill stinky kido" but dint" she says.

- But seriously. would you really give the baby away if you see some very bad parents trying to claim it, saying its theirs? How do you think you will react and look at the situation?

- "No of course I wont give Aiden away just like that. I think I will fight for him. Or maybe sell to the highest prize. But I dont think non in kos has so much Gold"

- But if the parents reports themselves and will give you a reward for it and you believe them, then its ok?
- "Yes of course I have to give him away ...yes my heart will break ...but I cant do anything,  Aiden doesnt belong to me" she answers with a bit wet eyes. Maybe an upcoming tear

She shakes the baby smoothly and starts walking to the city, hoping the baby wont be frightend by the fighting and shouting there. I wave to her as she leaves and of course I feel its a nice view to see a lady with a baby.



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