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Inhabitants of Ireem,

Most of you know me from a previous human life experience, when I was known as Lady Stella, Head Odalisque from the Palace Harem, member of the Royal Court and one of the previous owner of the Blue Lagoon Cafe in Kashkar.

Today I come here in my true nature and name. Setah, a Marid Djinn.

Here I come to ask you to vote in my name as the new manager of the Good Knight Tavern, a place in the center of the city and of great history past. So many stories and prisoners interrogatories were heard behind that walls...

And why I want to manager the tavern? Well, the ones that knows me from my previous Blue Lagoon Cafe management knows that I will never let the city run out of a good fair priced food and beverages supply.

So for that, I expect your vote.


Marid Djinn


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