NEWS: Hunt the Slaver Am!

Open slaver hunt!

Our bedouin leader, Antar asked for a meeting of all bedouins to discuss the recent incident with the slaver Am and Mebo, who captured several times bedouin women.

After a letter which Antar send to Am, as a warning, asking him to stop, Am send one back.
Am offerd "peace" if we hand him over bedouin girls on a weekly basis, which rather seemed like a joke, making fun of us.

In the meeting we came to the solution that we have to capture am.
After a longer fight Eve got him with the help of Antar.
As we have an alliance with the magi Kai handed her a potion which Am had to drink. It turned him into a prey, so he wont be able to touch a weapon the next two weeks!

This is a call to all Ladies in Ireem, if you want revenge here is your chance!

If you manage to cap him, dont keep him too long, we want to see him running the whole two weeks.

And its also a call to all magis, do NOT hand him a counter potion!!


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