Chronicles can report that a prominent member of the palace is currently dating the Undead Commander

According to our source, the second in command of the undead, the infamous lightning quick rapist and owner of the rotten meat butcher in the city, Davey, is currently dating one of the Court Ladies. The eyewitness spotted them arranging a trip to the river and then spending an whole evening swimming and various other activities.

“It was a shocking sight,” the eyewitness told the Chronicles, “At first I thought the Lady was captured by that horrid rapist. But when I crept up closer to listen to the conversation, I was shocked to hear that not only she was happy to accompany him to the river, but she was packing her swimming attire! Can you imagine that? A noble lady goes to the river to swim with the disgusting rapist! In swimming attire!”

Of course the Chronicles would not comment on whether we can imagine such thing. At the time of the press, we were unable to get a comment from the Palace Spokeperson. We will, however, be following the development of this news and potential scandal.


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