Dear Granny..........

Dear Granny, my partner left me earlier last month because he couldn’t cope with the guilt of leaving his woman to be with me. He was in a committed relationship, but when we met at a party in the catacombs, I knew I just had to have him. I tried all sorts of things and finally won his heart. He left his partner and we built a place of love together. Everything was good, and the sex was great. However, after almost two years together, he decided that he couldn’t live with the guilt of leaving his ex and decided that he would leave me and to return to his other life. What should I do? I do love him dearly and don’t want any other women to have him. Should I go and try to ruin his other life with the woman he has again so he will return to me in Ireem?

Granny: Well, I don’t mean to be rude or vicious (ED: Who are you trying to fool, granny???), but you have everything that you deserve, you classless *beep*, *beep beep*, and *beep*ing *beep*

I mean, I am always amazed at how oblivious some of you people are to your own crime you commit, all in the name of love or lust or other silly things. Over the years of my life, I have seen the most rational people from around would do the most irrational things. They would lie, they would cheat, they would do all manner of low life deceptive things that they would find absolutely unforgivable if someone else did it to them, and they do all that in the name of finding love.

Well young one, let Granny pour some cold water on you. No one has the right of crudity against others, just because you are doing it for “love”. You are old enough to know this is not a playground anymore. If a man leaves you, fine, let the bugger go and wish that he will catch diseases from the next whore. But trying to ruin other people’s lives just because of that is simply childish, especially considering that you have already injected much of this crudity in the woman that you stole the man from. Your “place of love” was built on another woman’s pain and sadness to begin with. You have no right to rant.

In short, Granny thinks you should just move on, get over this man, and try to find someone else without ruining people’s life, preferably a man with a large penis and exceptional stamina, of course.


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