We here at The Chronicles have received several suggestions and requests for singles related events.
As always our staff strives to provide what our faithful readers want.
To that end The Chronicles will be forming a group for the single population of our fair city.
In this group you will have the opportunity to meet other citizens in search of love, companionship or just….. Well I think you know *grins*
The Chronicles will also be hosting singles events for those that wish to take part. In addition we will begin featuring the Bachelor and Bachelorete of the week here in our pages.
For more information on upcoming activities or to join the group please contact Tim Speiser or Dinky Wingtips.
Early this afternoon, while searching for a quiet corner to….discipline Dinky, I was approached by the well known Bedouin Master J. He had quite an interesting story to tell so I was forced to temporarily postpone Dinky’s punishment. Note to Ireem: Dinky will eventually be punished for her persistent bad behavior, not that it will help…
MJ explained to me that he had been approached by a slave girl. To my surprise he was actually able to name the specific girl, Momo Velaystar. The girl was frantic with fright and showed him a mysterious amulet. She had a strange encounter with the slaver jacksinchin Boa. After a strange conversation he gave her the amulet with a mysterious message.
The girl has a Bedouins natural distrust of slavers and decided to take the amulet to her clan leader. MJ took the amulet for safe keeping. He brought it to me in the hopes of gaining some knowledge of it. Sadly I have no knowledge of this artifact or any properties it may possess.
Therefore I pass on the search to you, good readers. The amulet in question is a skull with crossed daggers mounted on a shield. Anyone with information about the origin or properties of this amulet are asked to contact MasterJ. While he did not actually mention a reward we all know the bad man has money to spare…..just a thought.
Today we recieved this anonymous letter:
"We are the naked bandits and hold this place as ours ! We are the new Knights of Ireem ! Strip and you may stay ! So, if we are in charge, what is our first order of business?
- Fill the dungeon wilth men
- No more fines
- The knights shall hand out charity to the poor?
- Any fights the looser has to be stripped
- We refuse to deal with bedu traitors who sleep with the knights
- Knights are required to have sex and own at lease one slave
- Have an orgy at least once a week on Tuesdays
- If a prey calls for help you suddenly are busy and shout help yourself ~ you are after all a prey
- We encourage bad behavior , very bad behavior
Naked bandits held the knights headquarter for over four hours before they finally left. Only one knight brave enough walked in and was subdued and tied to a chair. Krita still remained strong in the face of all the breasts facing him until his release.
This is sent in anonomysly as I don't wish these new bandits to seek revenge on me. I did a sketch at the time, but cannot recognize them as they were in disguise. "

" I'd like to personally thank everyone that came out to participate to the Ireem Sisterhood ladies chasing the men event. It was a great turn out and even with the great sandstorms around, everyone perservered and made it a great success. In the first run, tied for first place was Freccia Arabello and Brittany Collins.
In the second run, first place was taken by Sage Rosenfeld and second place was Meri Shamen. It was wonderful to see so many running on the sands, there was a lot of laughter and absolutely no drama, which is why we all come here after all.
Sisterhood loves Ireem and its people and will plan another event for those who wish to enjoy with us.
Sheva Clairity, Sisterhood Leader."
I can't say how I feel, just for my safety I will not say my name here. I am an artist and make paintings, paintings from Ireem and its people. That is why I see a lot. But I am worried, things are not the same anymore. Last time when I painted the beauty of Ireem, I saw a group of people who suddenly where all over the place. They told me they are slavers, Pirat slavers, a clan, hmm not just a clan but a special one ! I saw a lot of people who said they are even. I just saw them everywhere. They must be one of the strongest clans in Ireem.
My worry is: they look like some simple slavers. But I am sure they are united, getting stronger everyday, trying to rule...I am sure they will try to rule Ireem...this is just the beginning.... as you can see in my drawings....
Anonymous, concerned citizen of Ireem "

Slavers in Magi tower:

Of course, the purpose on why the two slavers entered the Palace should recieve our harshest condemnation ! But, on the other hand he is putting out some interesting questions here. Dear reader, what is your opinion on this ? Do not hesitate to comment and state your point of view ! The Chronicles will be happy to print your reactions !
Last week while taking a walk through the desert, I reached the slavers ship, wondering about a lot of commotion going on at the beach and the ship itself. I secretly took one of the small boats, paddling over to have a look by myself.

Shocked, that our highness is here, tied up on the slavers ship I got angry and wanted some answers. I yelled again at Raiden, this time louder what this is all about, but my question never reached his ear under all the uproar. The bright light stopped slowly and when my eyes started not to be blind anymore, I saw the djinn Shevaun Clarity standing in the middle of the ship, her arms stretched out as the light disappeared in her hands. She broke down a second later, all exhausted and mumbled to Sir Raiden " I cannot hold it forever,Sir !"

This was my chance to run over on the other side before the slavers could catch me or even cut my head off with her sword. I ran over to the Sultana and asked her if she is okay ,but she only shook her head sadly and mumbled : " I dont know, what is going on here...yes I am fine...I think".
Still doubting this story as it looked completely different to me, I decided to stay calm and just witness what will happen for now. Not to mention my poor fighting skills of course! As much as I would love to tell you, dear reader, that I heroicly rescued our highness by cutting of all their heads....well we all know the truth, this will never ever happen !
Many people were on the ship now, not only the slavers and undeads, as Raiden got angry and ordered his fellow slavers to chase anyone away, who is not part of the actual argue, if neccessary they should be captured and put into the cages downstairs. Of course this was no option for me, so I stole off as quickly as possible.
I met Sir Raiden a day later while preparing some body oil for sale in the bath house, as he came in to ask for a massage. I did not let him enter the room as I asked him to answer me some question for the paper. He just smiled at me and nods, staying absolutely cool and silent " But of course, dear Dinky, whatever you want to know I will answer you !"
- If Sir Raiden ONLY wanted to protect the Sultana, why was she tied up then ?
- Did she really surrender on her own will ?
- What were his true intentions ?
- Will the undead give up their plans ?
- Does Xan still want the blood for her baby ?
- What effect does the royal blood have on the baby, will it get unnatural powers ?
- What happens to our beloved kingdom if the Sultana would die ?
Rumors are still spreading ,the undeads did not give up their plans. So people of Ireem be warned: the actuall silence could just be the one before the big storm ! Let us pray to Zin Rah, the immortals will never reach their goal !