Attention Ireem ! The infamous and legendary Alawi Sultans have openings upon their Pirate ship. They are preparing to set sail on mission of "Royal" proportions thus, the Alawi Pirates have need of strong, sea worthy men and wenches to fill the crew and officer positions upon their vessel.
While they are predatory to the core, they are reputed to use their wits and words rather than relying solely on brute force to accomplish many if their goals so do not be put off if you are not handy with a sword. There will be room for you as well.
The Alawi Sultans are Pirates notorious for their exploits and their legend grows all along the Barbary Coast. Unlike traditional slave traders they engage themselves in diverse and profitable pursuits including but extending well beyond the flesh trade. If there are laws to be bent or broken you can bet the Alawi have tested the boundaries.
While some see them as common robbers and pickpockets they insist their critics overlook their greater exploits not to mention the very progressive means by which the crew helps govern the ship. By nature the Pirates hate rules of law so Capt. Sasha Borsuk wisely insists on treating the crew with stern respect and giving them plenty of rope to use at liberty.
It is also said that the Alawi Sultans have powerful and wealthy clients who look after their interest even as the pirates are reputed to help fund wars and build wealth for the Kingdom of Ireem.
Lets just say the Alawi Sultans have negotiated favorable terms of operation while rumors abound of connections extending to the palace itself. Of course this last bit cannot be confirmed or denied but there are indications that point that direction.
Lastly If you own slaves they may join the clan as your slaves and will also benefit from the protection of the Alawi clan in your absence.

After all the Alawi Sultans Pirate motto reads:
"No one messes with what is ours...and no one stops us from making ours what we wish."

If you wish to join the clan it will be open enrollment and you are urged to join at once before the various posts and crew assignments are filled. Clan number 48


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