EVENT: Ireem Championship Tournament

Greeting Denizens of Ireem,

I will be hosting a series of events in the arena to keep all well entertained to the best of my ability. Besides, when we can bring friendly competition and bloodshed at the same time, what is there to argue?

    But I digress... On the 12th of February, Sunday at 1800 (6:00 PM) SLT, the arena will be hosting an opening competition. This competition will be for entertainment only and of course some betting will be encouraged. I have placed a sign up board for anyone to enter. There are 16 slots available on it, and if we have more than 16 entries then send a scroll to me and I will make sure you will be in the competition. The competition will be freestyle fighting and weapon of choice. Each weapon has it's pros and cons that work with differing strategies. Use what you feel you are best with (Excluding ranged weapons). I wish for a high turnout but if not, the fun shall still be had!

    As for upcoming events, there will be official Ireem Championship tournaments. There will be a series of events with competitors using different styles of weaponry against each other that are exclusive. Examples being, one-handed swords, greatswords and spears, axes and hammers, daggers, fists, and weapon of choice, so it would be best to be well rounded in different fighting styles. These types of events will be labeled and bolded as "IREEM TOURNAMENT" To display that it's an official fight. The top four competitors in an event will be granted points in a ranked system/ leader boards. The winner of an event will be given 10 points, runner up is 5 points, and the defeated finalists receiving 2 points each. At the end off all the official events the fighter with the most points will go onto the championship and be granted an opportunity to de-throne the reigning champion and become the new champion of Ireem.

  There will be other events just for fun as well. Faction based team fights and single fights, such as Bedouin vs. Slavers or Undead vs. Knights. All for fun and bragging rights of course. Other fights including a last man standing brawl, and gladiator matches where slave owners can send their slaves to shed blood in the arena.

    If there are any questions, feel free to send me a scroll and I will try to get back to you.

Fight well,
Azimuth of the Misfits


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