What happened ? Witnesses reported, that they saw the blue djinn leader Indigo (wolfenstien Khandr) and the black worm djinn Loona (Gatha Loon) arguing loudly in the streets. Indigo complained about Loona’s intention to leave her clan, Loona accused her of trying to tame her and every other djinn, making them all her personal slaves or tools. Loona’s daughter Oro Kamala interfered aswell and the arguement nearly ended in a sword fight on the streets.
A bit later, Oro got captured by Indigo and her fellow djinn and detained in the djinn realm. Loona, really pissed now, started to threaten Indigo, Indigo herself did the same and threatened to sacrifice Oro to Hora Ma, if Loona will not give in.
The tension got even bigger, as djinn Nova changed into her dark form and started feeding from Loona’s daughter. Loona, clearly outnumbered by Indigo and her fellow djinn, did not see any other way but sacrifice herself for the life of her daughter. Knowing, Oro will not be of any worth to them if she died, she cut her throat with her own dagger.
Now comes the part that is nearly unbelievable, yes, shocking even ! The djinn leader‘s eyes turned dark as she watched Loona killing herself, as Loona’s blood spread all over the place and she spit some of it into Indigo’s face, Indigo suddenly got the urgent need to feed from the corspe ! Yes dear reader ! Feeding from her own kind, a corspe, a djinn that sacrificed herself for the life of her daughter ! Nova tried to pull her away but failed.
Indigo was not to stop as she grabbed parts of Loona’s flesh, gorging on it and repeating over and over „She is mine…..she is mine !“. The rumors tell, that Loona’s flesh was poisened – a natural shield, djinn of her kind do have for self-defense. In situations of danger, they bite their opponent and the poison coming out of their eyeteeth makes the victim…well yes, that is the question here - what happens with the victim ?
Anyway, back to the story: while Indigo swallows the flesh of the fallen djinn, the poison entered her system, and Nova and Steven did not see any other way but escaping quickly before Indigo is done, taking Oro with them to safe their own souls.
Dear readers, this is all I heard. Some of you will now say: "Pah ! All rumors ! Just lies ! "But think about some simple facts, before you judge:
- Did you see Loona around lately ?
- Why is Oro crying when roaming the desert, if not because of her lost mother ?
- Did someone see Indigo ?
- And if someone did, is he or she still alive ?
- Why do Nova and Steven refuse to talk to the press ?
- And why are some djinn turning green lately ? Talking in a strange way and seeming to be delusional ?
If those hints are not enough for you to be careful, then may Hora Ma be with you ! I myself met a green djinn just yesterday and she tried to offer me a strange drink, telling me over and over, all will be better after I drank it. Of course I am a smart one and did not take it ! //* editorial note: actually Master forbid me to drink it, but hey *//
Lets pray for all the lost souls that are already infected and lets hope, our physicians quickly find out about the spreading infection, which source seems to come from the djinn…